Secret Google X Lab
According to a report in the New York Times, Google has a top secret lab somewhere in the San Francisco area where the brightest of the bright roboticist and electrical engineers work away on ideas which seem impossible.
Smart refrigerators and dinner plates, robots that fetch the groceries and elevators that can take you into space. Are just some of the ideas apparently being worked on.
However I can’t help but think that these are not new ideas, in fact i’m sure that other organisations are already a fair way into the development of some of these ideas.
The smart refrigerator for instance, didn’t LG bring out a Internet ready refrigerator a few years ago & I know that earlier this year they released a so called smart refrigerator which ok didn’t actually order the products for you but does remind you.
Also a elevator into space which out of all the ideas listed looks the most far fetched has numerous webpages talking about the concept. Wikipedia
Here’s a few things i think Google should really get their in-house geniuses to look into:
1, A Teleportation Device
2, Faster than light travel
3, A Food Replication Device
Basically anything they have in Star Trek.